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Shelby Valley 55 - Elliott County 52 All "A" Semi-Finals
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:and many are eating a heaping of Crow before 2:30 haha
I'm eating mine. I said I would if I had too. The better team today won this game. SV's defense exposed some EC weakness. This game wasn't as close as the score says. Congrats to SV for the win and both teams to for a tough fought game. Both are making the mountains proud. I used to think EC would win 7 out of 10 games against SV, now I would go for about 5-5. SV did a good job of shutting down Ferguson, and that was one key to this game. Justice is fast as lightning. SV is a solid team. They need to sight their radar in on those freethrows for the final game.
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Shelby Valley 55 - Elliott County 52 All "A" Semi-Finals - by TheRealVille - 02-01-2009, 04:38 PM

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