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Shelby Valley 55 - Elliott County 52 All "A" Semi-Finals
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:I just dont understand how you have no legs when you have beat up on teams and have had a cake walk through the first three rounds. Could have been alot that Valley is in fact that much quicker and Elliot could not keep up. Despite all the talk that Valley couldnt run with them. I understand that you were there and all to watch them play throughout the tourny, but still im just saying Valley may have just been to much. :Thumbs:

I wish that were the case but no it wasn't. You know how you see teams warming up and you say to yourself, they look flat, that was the case with Elliott this morning. I knew when they were warming up that they were not going to play well. It looked to me like they were going thru the motions and like they under estimated Valley. They were not mentally ready for this game and Valley took advantage of it.
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Shelby Valley 55 - Elliott County 52 All "A" Semi-Finals - by slugger35 - 02-01-2009, 02:28 PM

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