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ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions
truth be told Wrote:Again some people cannot read. And it is spelled Guards, just to help u out. By the way the reason west lost was because the west coach did not start his starting 5 until the end of the 2nd quarter, they were being punished for not hustling in practice and the lc coach played his 2nd string half of the game, so no one playing a certain postion won the game for lc it WAS a team effort,but I'm sure u knew all this being the expert u are. My apology for offending u. I never realized West was so concerned about the program in lc

Not concerned about LC, just don't like parents bashing other kids.:dontthink As far as the game, I was not there, I am stating what the WC coach stated, but I should have realized you know more about basketball than the coaches.:lmao:
Messages In This Thread
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by ky wildcats - 01-22-2009, 11:50 PM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by lcalum - 01-23-2009, 12:41 AM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by kybaseball - 01-23-2009, 01:14 PM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by truth be told - 01-23-2009, 05:40 PM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by ukfanatic_37 - 01-23-2009, 11:59 PM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by lcalum - 01-24-2009, 12:37 AM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by liberty - 01-24-2009, 12:39 AM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by riverrat11 - 01-24-2009, 12:43 AM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by Comet08 - 01-24-2009, 12:54 AM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by ky wildcats - 01-24-2009, 01:37 AM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by riverrat11 - 01-24-2009, 01:40 AM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by racer4life - 01-24-2009, 01:42 AM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by lcalum - 01-24-2009, 01:46 AM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by racer4life - 01-24-2009, 01:47 AM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by Muskie13 - 01-24-2009, 01:54 AM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by ky wildcats - 01-24-2009, 02:12 AM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by lcalum - 01-24-2009, 02:15 AM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by ky wildcats - 01-24-2009, 02:18 AM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by racer4life - 01-24-2009, 02:19 AM
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ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by liberty - 01-24-2009, 02:05 PM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by wonderpeople - 01-24-2009, 09:55 PM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by truth be told - 01-27-2009, 09:06 PM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by Comet08 - 01-28-2009, 12:52 PM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by truth be told - 01-28-2009, 05:12 PM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by LCproud - 01-28-2009, 09:19 PM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by Comet08 - 01-28-2009, 09:50 PM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by goal_line - 01-29-2009, 12:55 AM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by lcalum - 01-29-2009, 03:12 AM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by liberty - 01-29-2009, 05:00 PM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by LCproud - 01-29-2009, 07:19 PM
ECMS Lions vs LCMS Lions - by Bball4life05 - 02-22-2009, 11:14 PM

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