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Would you date one who has less of an education than you?
Jshort5 Wrote:phs1986 where art thou??? Big Grin

OH.. I'm here darling being the "nice, clean, quiet, mannered"..... yada, yada, yada... LMAO.....

As far as the Less of an education question.... Yes, I would because I feel that although being able to provide for a "family" is a MAJOR component in a relationship, (especially a long term one) there are way to many others to consider. For example, are they personable? Do they socialize or are they a snob? Do they help out with the kids/around the house? Practicing good hygene is a must!! How they treat me as a person/mate...... There is a LOT of stuff that would factor in but education is not very high on the priority list. Although I do agree with QQ.... being able to read/write and if they can't.... don't be ashamed to ask for help in learning......

I do feel that a woman can help out and do her part although with small ones sometimes daycare or childcare is a problem. My solution to that was to work part time while my smallest was under school age then when he started school, maybe the year after, I went full time to work. Although I have over 100 college credit hours, I make in 2 weeks what my hubby makes in one day. Yes, I could go back to college and take more classes and finish my education but I have a child who if VERY active in sports and I concentrate on his education first and foremost. Running with him after work keeps me on my toes.

So Jshort... there ya go in a nutshell.... LOL...... I'm easy as heck to get along with, not very picky, but just picky enough!!! Big Grin

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Would you date one who has less of an education than you? - by phs1986 - 01-25-2009, 02:03 AM

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