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Tebow Bill: Should HS home schoolers be allowed to play Public School sports?
Wildcat Blue Wrote:No! If they are in need of home schooling then they have bigger problems to worry about that taking part in athletics with public school systems.

Obviously, you are stereotyping homeschooled children when you say they have "problems." Could you please back that statement up with some peer reviewed research and facts? What exactly was the "bigger problems" Tim Tebow had/has? Your argument is weak, and you seem like the one with the problems? I guess you must of been homeschooled too.

You present no facts, no research to back up your ridiculous claims. I find it offensive to my two sons that you just assume homeschooled kids have problems.

Did you read my post about why my children are homeschooled? The "problem" my oldest son has is that he is intellectually and academically gifted. At 7 soon to be 8, he has the academic equivalence of a typical 6th grader. The public schools thought he should be promoted a minimum of two grade levels because that's the only way they could stimulate him academically. The problem with that is, he is not mature enough socially to be thrown in with 5th or 6th graders. I don't want to risk his self esteem and confidence simply because he academically gifted. His mom and I can challenge and meet his academic requirements here at home without running the risk of socially damaging him. He may be smarter than most kids his age, but he is still just 7 years old, that enjoys interacting/playing with children his age. He has participated in city league sports since he has been 3 yeas old. He has many friends in his age group that he interacts/plays with. He has no problems whatsover. A very typical 7 year old, other than be gifted academically.

My youngest son is homeschooled, not because he is academically gifted, but because he has severe food allergies and an esophagus disorder. We are not going to run the risk that he is given a food at school that could make extremely sick and/or worsen his condition. However, because he is sick and requires special attention doesn't mean he is handicapped. He should be able to participate in sports if he meets the KHSAA academic guidelines for sports participation. Why penalize the homeschooled children if they are on par academically with the public schooled children?

Also, why do you assume homeschooling is bad? Do you assume that all parents are not qualified to teach their children? My wife and I both are 4.0 Masters degree graduates. I have earned ABD status toward my doctorate, and have taught as an adjunct at the college level. I think we are more than qualified enough to teach our children. Our kids get more one on one time that they would ever get in a school system. The average teacher to student ratio for a primary education teacher in Kentucky is 17:1 for public schools, 6:1 for private schools, and 1:1 or 1:2 for homeschooled, depending whether or not both parents participate. I rest easier at night, knowing my kids are receiving quality "one on one" academic instruction and guidance.

I don't anticipate you replying back to this post because obviously you have a "personal agenda," without any facts to back up your ridiculous claim concerning homeschooled children.
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Tebow Bill: Should HS home schoolers be allowed to play Public School sports? - by torQQue - 01-22-2009, 04:05 PM

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