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  • 5 Boys Basketball Top 20 (Dec. 15)
More Cowbell Wrote:Come on now. I know you think Elliott is better than SV. Actually, I would give Elliott a slight edge as well. But trying to devalue Valley's big wins by saying the teams weren't that good won't work.

Henry Clay? They may not have been as good as some thought in the pre-season, but they have been impressive in every game except the one against SV. They beat Christian Co. (a top 20 team), lost by 5 to Bryan Station (a top 10 team), and blew out Pike Central. Looks like their resume is at least as good as West Carter's, if not better.

Walton? No, they hadn't just played the night before, their previous game was at home 4 nights before the SV game. And sure, they may have traveled from Georgia, but that's no excuse. Elite teams like that travel all the time. SV went to New York last year, and will go to Florida this year. Elliott goes to Myrtle Beach this year. Oak Hill goes all over the country every year. That's what good teams do, and they don't use travel as an excuse when they lose. As others on here have mentioned, Walton was ranked third in their class in the state of Georgia, so unless they play some sorry basketball down south, that's pretty impressive. I'm confident in saying Walton is easily better than West Carter.

Again, I will grant that Elliott is probably a better team than Valley, and should be ranked higher. But SV does have the more impressive resume so far this season.
You do realize that this is the same Christian Co that Elliott beat pretty handily at last years Ky Bank Shootout, therefore you have to discount them. Cause Elliott don't play anybody.
Messages In This Thread Boys Basketball Top 20 (Dec. 15) - by letthebighogroot - 12-19-2008, 09:55 PM

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