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Sarah Palin Responsible for Death Threats against Obama
jetpilot Wrote: The Secret Service warned the Obama family in mid October that they had seen a dramatic increase in the number of threats against the Democratic candidate, coinciding with Mrs Palin's attacks.

And coinciding with the election getting nearer. An ultra left-wing loon said it, and anyone with an IQ of over 10 knows it's bull. The Dems bashed Palin much worse than Obama got bashed, and you don't hear Republicans acting like a bunch of crying sissies.Rolleyes

beetle Himself has threatened to leave the Good Ole USA ASAP because of Obama being elected. If that isn't being a sissy I don't know what is Jetpilot.
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Sarah Palin Responsible for Death Threats against Obama - by DevilsWin - 11-10-2008, 03:16 PM

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