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Why has Palin agreed to only do interviews with fox?
I'm not saying I'm the answer bus or anything. Nor am I implying my opinion is superior to anyone elses. But in the last few weeks, I've been watching and taping on my TIVO the reaction from pundits following the first two presidential debates. There was no need in doing this experiment with the VP debate because Biden was the down right winner. Nevertheless, I've found FOX to be heavy right and dry, MSNBC to be a joke and far left - giving NBC news a bad name and CNN to be the most balanced. At least CNN gives equal time and makes it known to viewers that certain pundits are biased for one candidate or the other and there is a panel that is suppose to be neutral.

I've enjoyed CNN's coverage more than the others in recent weeks.

Back to the topic at hand. Palin with McCain going on Hannity & Combs for a spin interview after the Katie Couric flop was bad. Yet, what benefit do voters get from Couric or Charlie Gibson slinging "gotcha" questions. I KNOW, "gotcha" is right win terminology, but it does fit. Palin should've said no to her campaign handlers and just been herself in those interviews instead of trying to spout out GOP talking points. Why isn't she doing other interviews, she can't be herself and it's a conflict within the campaign. Best thing for all involved is to have her smile and wave - not speak, unless it's a speech or debate. It's not responsible journalism and doesn't help the public in choosing a candidate.

I've had to ignore this forum in recent weeks because it's getting out of hand. Constant attacks from one side or the other. Palin said this, Obama is that (yes I made a thread about it just to prove the point of the fingerpointing.) The whole Wall Street meltdown is fault on both sides of the isle, yet all Obama has to do is smile and wave while blaming the other guy and gets a pass with the American media. He doesn't even have to offer a solution for the problem, while McCain is chasitized for suspending his campaign (a little grandstanding) to help with the crisis and btw, McCain did call for reforms on Freddie and Fannie as far back as 2006 per a release last week, excuse me for not having the link in this post, but it doesn't matter.

Folks, this is a serious election with lasting impact on OUR nation. It just seems like things are too quiet heading into the final days of the election. Am I the only one concerned with "change"?
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Why has Palin agreed to only do interviews with fox? - by jammin' jamey - 10-14-2008, 05:06 PM

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