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How did the Belfry/Sebastian game turn out?
Hey out there!
How did the game turn out today? My brain tells me Sebastian but my heart is saying Belfry, and they never agree with each other. Who looked good for each team? I hear Belfry has all their players back and are at full force again. I watched Sebastian and I know they are for real but something just doesn't seem right about them to me. They seem to be a little up and down, I thought for sure that they would beat Perry but that shows you what I know. This conference is crazy. I think I should probably stick to High School football it's a little more predictable. Let's look at it this way. Sebastian wears Johnson out, Perry beats Johnson in Overtime, Letcher beats Sebastian at Breathitt, Perry beats Sebastian pretty easily and then Letcher goes to Johnson Central and loses a close one. I hear Belfry has gotten back on track and can play with any of these teams. Gonna be an interesting season for sure. Injuries throughout the season will probably help determine the champion in my opinion.....
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How did the Belfry/Sebastian game turn out? - by Lambert #1 - 09-13-2008, 05:25 PM

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