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Upgrading to new server tomorrow. YES, No more slow AZZ
Just wanted to let everyone know that I will be moving BGR to a new dedicated server. In the past I was only able to afford shared hosting. Shared means many other websites use the same server as you. Well not anymore folks.. By sometime tomorrow night BGR should be fast 24/7/365..

There is a drawback to having faster hosting. The faster hosting is forcing me to run more ads on the site in order to cover cost. But I wont ever have any ads on here that pop up and force you to close them. I hope the ads are not to big of a hassle. For those of you that has been with BGR for a while will notice the new ads at the top of the page. These ads will pay for the new hosting. I think its a small price to pay for reliable hosting..

The last thing I want to worry about on Friday nights after the games is the server troubles. Thats why I decided to upgrade to a premium hosting service.

Im hoping the transition to the new server is painless. Ill keep my fingers crossed. If so BGR should be up and running sometime again tomorrow evening..

Well you BEEGEERRRS have a great day tomorrow..
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Upgrading to new server tomorrow. YES, No more slow AZZ - by imported_imported_torQQue - 08-01-2005, 11:40 PM

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