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Updates on Junior league baseball tournaments
Belfry Wins Wrote:Justin was at the game.
But what happened was he was called strike three and the walked twoard the dugout and slammed the bat down close to the fence, like almost right at the dugout. Slammed is probably best way to put it. Tossed would be more like a under hand heave lol. I would say toss the kid if he said something or tossed slammed threw whatever it twoard another player direction, because that would have been dumb. But he didn't and the bat was in no harms way. I seen that happen more than once at baseball games, pretty much every game you go to. From my view I thought it was a very bad call and should have never been made. To be honest I really dont even think that what happened deserved a warning. But a warning would be the most it did deserve.
And I never seen a ump get so mad at a coach for questioning a call as the one did on a balk. Sad thing is Belfry's coach was correct, the kid stepped off twoards first instead of back. And the Belfry coach called time and just walked up and asked, like you would go ask anybody a simple question.
A experienced ump would say no coach this is what the rules say and this is what I saw, and not go nuts.
I dont know how experienced the ump was behind the plate, but usualy if things like that happen the ump is pretty young, because a veteraned ump never tries to affect the outcome of the game. Its kind of like a Rookie State Trooper and a vet one. A young one will pull you over for thinking of speeding while the older will give you leadway.

Sounds like the ump had an agenda and was looking for a reason...I hope those guys stay together and keep playing and go back to state next year. Stay calm and act like the umps aren't even there...London probably won't have the tournament for awhile, which is good. I wasn't picking on the kid, just don't give the umps any reason at all to take it from you...
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Updates on Junior league baseball tournaments - by jetpilot - 07-29-2008, 02:24 AM

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