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Congressional Dems vote down gas bill
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:lol, people like you really confuse me. It's not just the horrible, Satan worshiping, free market hating DEMS doing this, a lot of smart republicans are against this too.

Drilling in ANWR is not the answer to our oil problems, but just a way to make more profit for the oil companies.

The US energy department released a study in 2004, that showed if drilling in ANWR was allowed it would not lower our dependence on foreign oil, and would only lower oil prices by about 50 cents per barrel (Wow, what great savings!!!)

The drilling would lower our imported oil to 60% from 62%, not the huge drop that idiot bush keeps saying that it will be. According to this study, if drilling where to start in 2004 oil could be pumped out by 2013, and would reach peak production of 876,000 barrels per day by 2025. If we started drilling now it would take at least 10 years for the oil to reach the market, is a 50 cent drop on oil prices, and a 2% decrease on imports worth a 10 year wait? I think not. This is the time to look for renewable energy sources, thats the only way to drop our dependence on foreign oil.

Ever since Bush and his earth hating loverboy Cheney proposed this in 2002, experts have been telling us that it will not have an impact on our gas prices, or foreign oil prices.

I'm not even going to argue the horrid consequences this could have on the environment, since most republicans only care about self gain, and don't give a second thought to the consequences of their actions.

You might had that while we wait 10 years for oil to pumped into production from ANWR who pays the cost of the construction of the pipe line? We do. Oil prices will rise because the oil company will be out money to build and drill oil wells.
Messages In This Thread
Congressional Dems vote down gas bill - by PHS95 - 05-23-2008, 10:41 AM
Congressional Dems vote down gas bill - by Benchwarmer - 05-23-2008, 08:11 PM
Congressional Dems vote down gas bill - by Beef - 05-24-2008, 12:12 PM

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