05-06-2008, 02:51 PM
Braves_Fan_26 Wrote:Again, thats why they shouldnt be ran like that. I read a story in yesterdays Lexington Herald that a guy wrote and he pretty much agrees with me. He was saying that horse racing is a cruel sport and its untelling how many more of these injuries lead to the death of the horses. He also said that it was time that something was done about it. He also said something along the lines of all that mattered to the owners was making the money or something like that. I cant remember it all so I wont quote it, you can read it for yourself. At least there is someone else out there with some sense and believes that its a cruel sport.
You're speaking in circles and it's annoying just about everyone in this thread. You will say one thing and then change your opinion...only to change it back two posts later.
The guy you read in the paper was probably one of the PETA psychos who deserve no credibility at all.
Did you know that more horses die in the fields they live in than on the race tracks? Yes, more horses get injured and have to be put down on the very fields they live on. Why are you freaking out about horse RACING, well because it was a major televised event, but you don't understand that something like this doesn't happen as often as you think. But "natural" injuries to the legs happen more than these "racing" accidents...so now what? You gonna say that we should stop raising horses and let them run free? Maybe they don't like to live on farms and occasionally get their leg broken.
Ridiculous, horses are domesticated animals and have been for some time. If YOU would ask any horse owner I can guarantee you that they would say that the horses love doing what they do. And those horses are better cared for than most animals in this country. Do you own any animals? Those horses are treated better than any of our dogs that we have, from their diet right down to the exercise.
The reason we can't treat horses like we do dogs or cats is because FREAKIN' look at them dude!
A horse is huge, if the horse breaks both front legs, what the **** do you expect it to stand on? Nothing, it won't be able to stand up, but it will try to stand up and be in pain. Okay...so we keep it laying down for the rest of it's life...wow, that's a fair thing to do, keep the horse with two broken legs from standing up ever again...I'm sure it would love that.
Oh, and please read what I've said above, if you restate anymore ignorant questions then you will be blocked from this thread.
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