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02-12-2008, 07:01 PM
Blackflag Wrote:First let me say I was wrong about the staff and here is why.
Coaching basketball at Belfry Middle School is a thankless job. I did not know Coach Varney did this for free 1st off, as I thought it was a job some one cooked up for him.
Next, boys basketball at BMS has little support, as it ranks behind football and girls sports, so its about 5th on the totem pole.
How many games did the cheerleaders cheer this year? How many away games did they go to?
How many games did you see the principal at? I saw him at the Pikeville game and maybe 2 others.
How many fans are in the stands?
Why in the world would the principal not buy the 6th and 7th grade uniforms?
I also want to tell some of you guys why Belfry only has 5 8th graders. Discipline. Coach Varney and Coach Howard have it, most parents and kids don't like it. Its amazing what some kids get away with during football, then it not tolerated during basketball and all the sudden it is the coaches fault.
After sitting and observing this year, you can see that the staff is playing with a stacked deck against them. Because after the parents, there is only about 10 people total that care about basketball in the entire Belfry community(Caoch Casey and staff, Coach Varney and staff) after them no one cares.
The last part I want to talk about is the BOE. I was told 3 years ago that the County Tourney could only be held at Virgie, Johns Creek, Elkhorn City, and Belfry.
Why is it being held at Mullins?
Is the hate for Mr. Varney(Coach Varney's dad) being bled over to try and hurt Belfry?
The holdback rule, although I was against it at first, is another example hate for Belfry. Why was it fine when everyone else was winning and beating the crap out of Belfry, but when Belfry wants to do it it all the sudden isn't fair?
County basketball is at an all time low, not being able to compete with other mountain teams because of it(Hazard, Johnson Central, Whitesburg.)
I just wanted to get on here and set some things straight. In the beginning I though the staff was arrogant(still is) and hurting basketball at BMS. I would not have let my son play for them. After watching this year I see the real problems, and its not the staff. Its amazing what you learn just observing.
To the basketball players, go out and win tonight. Play hard and remember Coach Varney and Howard are doing this for the love of the game and because they care about you guys. Not for wins and losses and paychecks or recognition like some others.
Nice post!!
As a parent of a 7th grader who dresses with 8th. I haven't missed a 7th or 8th grade game. And my son and I are very thankful for our coaches.
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Belfry - by Dream_Weaver - 02-11-2008, 05:48 PM
Belfry - by BHSPirateMom #1 - 02-12-2008, 07:01 PM
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