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Should the All A State Tournament be moved to Pikeville's Expo Center?
Hotels wouldnt be a problem. You have P-burg 20 minutes away, Hotels between Pikeville and there. A lot of high school posters cant remember how Hillbilly Days used to be. There would be 50,000 people here in Pikeville during those three days. Hotels were not a problem then if people were willing to drive for a half an hour. But the Expo is way to far East for most of the state to even be able to find on a map not to mention getting here. The biggest part of the state thinks the state line is at I-75
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
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Should the All A State Tournament be moved to Pikeville's Expo Center? - by BasketBallonlyfan - 02-02-2008, 07:31 PM

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