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Magoffin County 77 - Betsy Layne 60
I said what I said, and thats what I believe. I could care less what you believe, that was Just my personal opinion. Regardless of how good they are, the 08 class is nothing but a bunch of bad attitudes. Sure Case can dribble the ball up the court and he's fast, but he's out of control. The Maldinado kid will only get better, and will develop into 5X the point guard Case is. And honestly Lafferty could care less if he was playing or he wouldn't have done the stupid s*** that got him kicked off in the first place. Obviously basketball was not anywhere near the top of his top priority.
The coach can't get out there for them. It would've been the same story had Rose been there. Except you wouldn't have half the boys out that are out now, you would have a few others though simply cause Rose wouldn't cut anyone, but not quite the talent, for the lone reason that Rose was the coach. He's had loads of talent in the past and not once, did he win the 58th. JMO you don't care what I think..........well guess what I didn't put my opinion on here for you to judge anyway........what the Lafferty kid did off the court is NONE of anyones busness.........and please believe that freshman point guard, Maldinado, ain't gonna be much of a point guard if he don't learn to tribble....please... what point guard gets called for walking a hundred times per game....come one........I'll tell you the big problem with BL's ball team....these FRESHMAN coming in thinking the should be taking starting positions over these Juniors and Seniors....wake up boys it ain't gonna happen cause you ain't that good of ball players....yeah maybe in grade school you were it, but its high school........all these FRESHMAN parents trying to knock these older boys out of playing time by calling and reporting everything is one of the major problems.........if your SON ain't good enough to play without mommy and daddy's help then he don't need to be playing at all...........if ROSE had been the coach thing WOULD have been different.........

[COLOR="red"][COLOR="Blue"]CLASS of O8 has attitude I see a lot of attitude from every player on that one has any control over this wanna talk about attitude lets talk about those freshman...they try so hard to be cocky.....BL will never get any better because the wrong players get to play just because of who thier parents are........ [/COLOR][/COLOR]
Messages In This Thread
Magoffin County 77 - Betsy Layne 60 - by Super_de - 01-30-2008, 12:04 AM
Magoffin County 77 - Betsy Layne 60 - by JOBAKKA - 01-30-2008, 12:25 AM
Magoffin County 77 - Betsy Layne 60 - by gotcha2 - 01-30-2008, 01:03 AM
Magoffin County 77 - Betsy Layne 60 - by gotcha2 - 01-30-2008, 01:35 AM
Magoffin County 77 - Betsy Layne 60 - by Super_de - 01-30-2008, 02:09 PM
Magoffin County 77 - Betsy Layne 60 - by Tricky - 01-30-2008, 06:57 PM
Magoffin County 77 - Betsy Layne 60 - by Super_de - 01-30-2008, 07:06 PM
Magoffin County 77 - Betsy Layne 60 - by the_real_bball_star - 01-30-2008, 07:09 PM
Magoffin County 77 - Betsy Layne 60 - by Tricky - 01-30-2008, 09:34 PM
Magoffin County 77 - Betsy Layne 60 - by LIPS - 01-30-2008, 09:52 PM
Magoffin County 77 - Betsy Layne 60 - by Super_de - 01-31-2008, 02:32 PM

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