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Letcher Central 93 - Prestonsburg 62
Was at this one, typical prestonsburg refs favoring the blackcats but their turnovers killed them. Pburg isn't a bad team, but they don't play team basketball. LCC shot unbelievable from outside in this game. Hall led the blackcats with 23, but didn't play very well, and Stephens started off great, but didnt do much after that ending up with 14. Burchett needs to be more aggressive because he has alot of talent, but anyways, Congrats to the Cougars
Messages In This Thread
Letcher Central 93 - Prestonsburg 62 - by MVP2 - 01-30-2008, 12:23 AM
Letcher Central 93 - Prestonsburg 62 - by JOBAKKA - 01-30-2008, 12:25 AM
Letcher Central 93 - Prestonsburg 62 - by hokiefan29 - 01-30-2008, 02:30 AM
Letcher Central 93 - Prestonsburg 62 - by LIPS - 01-30-2008, 09:58 PM

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