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Abuse Of Schedule 2 Narcotics In Eastern Kentucky
LOOKAYANNER Wrote:There's too many pills on the street. That's the problem, and too easy to get. Where do they come from??? A police officer recently told me probably over 50% of the perscription pills on the street and in the hands of drug dealers are from people using medical cards and getting perscriptions from pain clinic doctors and area doctors. They have no intention of ever taking these medications, only to sell them to the dealers or to the users. So, at the tax payer's expense, these people are using this method to make a few extra dollars, and flooding the counties with pills and addiction. Imo doctors are too quick to perscribe pills to people who don't need them and have no inclination of using them.
In my county families who have not been affected by Schedule 2 pills, as well as other drugs, some homemade, are very rare.

Trust me, paying $100 for 1 oxy 80mg, isn't anywhere close to... 'tooo easy to get'. Once you've been in my shoes, you'll know.
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Abuse Of Schedule 2 Narcotics In Eastern Kentucky - by ronald_reagan - 12-22-2007, 10:59 AM

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