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Abuse Of Schedule 2 Narcotics In Eastern Kentucky
I had a personal friend, beautiful young girl, who got mixed up with these Schedule 2's, started out taking them by mouth, then snorting them, then shooting them. She got mixed up with guys who abused her horribly, bouncing around from guy to guy and house to house. She would always talk about "rehab" and even went a few times. She always spoke of "gettin' off these devils" but she never did. She was walking down the road a couple of years ago, hitchhiking to town, and fell over dead. Incredibly sad. The last time I talked to her (a few months before she died) she was talking about church, about getting help, getting her life together... I'm not sure she believed it.. I just think she wanted to believe it for a little while.
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Abuse Of Schedule 2 Narcotics In Eastern Kentucky - by thecavemaster - 12-21-2007, 08:47 PM

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