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Political views (a few questions)
ronald_reagan Wrote:You actually sound alot like me. A rebel democrat, or maverick republican. In otherwords, a Libertarian.

A fiscal conservative, a social liberal.

The only disagreement I have with you is the 'right to choose'. Besides that, we're dead on. :notworthy

Centrist/Libertarian is where I've been placed in political quizzes, however I'm registered Democrat so I can vote in their primaries.

Funny story. One of my friends who...just recently, became a dead-set Republican, said that I was Libertarian and that meant "that I didn't care about the government or politics."

I had to tell him he had Libertarian confused with Apathetic.
Messages In This Thread
Political views (a few questions) - by Beef - 11-29-2007, 06:45 PM
Political views (a few questions) - by ComfortEagle - 12-02-2007, 04:01 AM
Political views (a few questions) - by sherman14 - 12-06-2007, 10:46 AM

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