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Church Group Opposes Bush Administrations Mine Rule Change
DevilsWin Wrote:Rolleyes This is starting to get personal.

None of you want the companies to disobey the current laws, do you?

This is about a rule change. Do any of you want the rule changes cited in the article that started this whole debate to actually take effect.

If you do why. Don't you think it will have a damaging effect on the areas in which these practices will be taking place?

If you don't believe this change will have an adverse effect on those areas please explain why without rambling on and on about this and that program.

As I stated earlier, I think this is a clarification issue, not a rule change, prior to the last ruling by Judge Chambers mining was conducted in the same manner since the Buffer Zone ruling was enacted. Anti-Coal groups want the public to believe that this would open up a new world to surface mining, the truth is that it won't, it only will enable the coal industry to operate as it has in the past. Anti-Coal groups also want the public to believe that they are only targeting MTR or Surface Mining which is also misleading, underground coal mines rely on valley fills to place excess overburden form the face-up area, which is normally about 2 acres in size, they also use valley fills to place the refuse once coal has been processed through the preparation plant. So if anyone tells you that this won't affect underground mines just ask them where will the refuse go if there's not any valley fills.

During the process of surface mining new drainge structures (same as Ephemeral Streams) are constructed, for example valley fills have Rip-Rap (rock) drainage ditches built down both sides of the valley fills next to the original ground line, or may have one built down the center of the valley fill, other ditches are built near the original ground line at the outcrop of the coal seam to divert the water to these valley fills, on bench ponds are also built to help control water run-off. After mining has been completed more Ephemeral streams have been created than was removed during the mining process.

Here's a question for everyone. If Judge Chambers ruling stands and valley fills are ruled illegal then why will this rule only pertain to the coal mining industry? The Federal and State governments will still be able to build roads, dams, lakes etc. Gas and Oil Companies will still be able to build roads, lay gas and oil pipelines thourgh these same streams, anyone and everyone can do whatever they want to around the streams except for the coal industry. if these Ephemeral streams are so vital to our ecosystem then shouldn't the environmentalist be raising a ruckus over any and all distrubance of these streams?
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Church Group Opposes Bush Administrations Mine Rule Change - by Old School - 11-02-2007, 07:52 PM

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