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Court Identifies Eleven Inaccuracies in Gore's...
Old School Wrote:I never said O'Rielly was completely impartial, I said he and Beck were the most impartial host on TV today. Every host/reporter will cut someone off if they don't tell them what they want to hear, but if you ever find someone that doesn't cut someone off, please tell me who it is and I will listen to them.

Your right Beck stands up for what he believes in regardless of which side its on, I didn't know he was against MTR, as a matter of fact I've never heard him say either way, and I've never found anyone I agree with a 100% of the time neither.

You know, I've always been told that wisdom comes with age.............hang in there you'll be there someday.:graduate:

The majority of people get uncomfortable when confronted with change, but O'rielly goes crazy. Ive never seen anyone flat out lie like he does. And he does it a constant basis, all why stating he is an "Independent", and presents both sides of the issue. lol, he's funny though, I give him that, I guess when you lie so much you really start to believe yourself.

I really don't watch any cable news channels, most of my knowledge comes from reading articles in newspapers, books, and online sources. Fox can not be taken as a serious news network for the things they do behind the scenes. Giving your reporters a memo on all things to say, and not to say, and just how you can say them is insane. And this has happened a lot over at Fox Noise.

As far as the wisdom thing, I never claimed I was any wiser than anyone else, I can just see through BS when it is pushed into my face on a daily basis.

Beck stated he was against the new proposal issued by the bush administration. He stated that he doesn't think this a reliable source for future energy. I was shocked when I heard this, I really didn't expect him to take that angle with the story. I will try to find a transcript of that show and post a link to it.
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Court Identifies Eleven Inaccuracies in Gore's... - by Coach_Owens87 - 10-15-2007, 10:49 PM

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