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Court Identifies Eleven Inaccuracies in Gore's...
Old School Wrote:This was my first visit to this site, and yes they are a right wing site, but these 11 inaccuracies in Gores Incoventient Truth were determined by the British High Court, not by some right wing group. If you could show me a liberal site that has this story I would be glad to read it, I don't think you will find this story on NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS or any other liberal news scource.

How can you prove your comment "the courts just couldn't clarify one way or another so they listed it as false." Do you really think a British court would rule that way? If enviros could actually prove these points in court clarification wouldn't be a issue.

As far as Global Warming goes, and as I've stated before the Earth has gone through thousands of warming and cooling cycles since it's existence, and I believe we are going through a warming cycle now. I for one do not believe that humans are causing Global Warming, if that were the case how do you explain the warming cycles that happened thousands and millions of years ago?

"The film claims that rising sea levels has caused the evacuation of certain Pacific islands to New Zealand. [B]The Government are unable to substantiate this and the Court observed that this appears to be a false claim[/B]."

"The film blames global warming for species losses including coral reef bleaching. The Government could not find any evidence to support this claim."

Come on, you cant just say you didnt find evidence, prove it, show me your facts. I'm not like you, I dont buy just any BS, you have to prove your point.

I dont think you will find that story on any other "News Source" (and I really stress news, networks that you watch like FOX or just pure BS 90% of the time) becuase it's not worth mentioning, maybe it will scroll on the bottom of CNN, or MSNBC, but it's definitely not worth air time, when you find evidence that Global warming cant be happening, then I will listen.

We really don't need to have this argument over whether global warming is real, and that humans are a main cause. If you would really study the subject and stop listening to political nutjobs, you would know this. The scientific community overwhelmingly agree, just do a little "real" research and you will find that out. It really dont matter how much evidence there is to prove Global Warming is real, people on the right will just find some sorry excuse like the article you gave that it isnt real.
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Court Identifies Eleven Inaccuracies in Gore's... - by Coach_Owens87 - 10-13-2007, 02:06 PM

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