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Top Offensive Players in Pike County Next Year
Valleyballa Wrote:Remember GVarney is just going to be a junior next year, but his lower body is by far stronger than anyone on the team..There isn't even a lineman besides Logan who can squat as much as Gordan, which is sad in its own right. Robinson is a good back, but dang he's little. Varney weighed in at 186 yesterday, he compares to former PHS stud Brent Coleman as far as being strong and low to the ground. Robinson is probably faster right now, but Varney's potential is unlimited..Perhaps that explains why Belfry calls him on a weekly basis. They need some good backs over there.

I give up man, you're writing checks that Varney can't cash.

First you say he is better the Robinson, not really a valid argument at all. But then you go on in this post to compare him to Brent Coleman. Are you crazy!!!! Nothing Varney has ever done compares to what Coleman accomplished on the football field.

BTW.......Puff, Puff, Give.....on whatever you're smokin'!!!
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Top Offensive Players in Pike County Next Year - by HappyGilmore - 03-24-2005, 12:53 AM

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