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Why did the Bengals go for 2 ???????????
Bengal Cat Wrote:The only problem is.......with less than 3 minutes remaining there would not hardly be time for Seattle to get 2 possessions to kick 2 field goals, unless you factor in an onside kick which is another low pecentage play. If we kick the PAT then we're up 5. Then if Seattle gets a td (like they did) if they go for 2 and make it, then a field goal ties, but if they miss the 2 point conversion, a field goal wins the game. By going for 2.....we made the decision for Holmgren.... Now, having said that.....Marvin Lewis said today in his presser when asked why he went for 2 there, he pretty much said it was a's the quote. "we should have kicked the extra point.....but I went for 2....we'll leave it at that." Now thats coming straight from the mouth of the guy that made the

Well it's also a pretty low percentage that you kick the extra point, they score and you also have time to march down the field and get in field go range. Way to many ifs and thens for there to be a valid "oh god, why did we do that".
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Why did the Bengals go for 2 ??????????? - by BCFan - 09-25-2007, 07:05 PM

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