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NFL Says Patriots violated league rules.
Belichick has notified the league that it was a "misinterpretation" of the league's rule.

HAHA, he got caught for the second time and it was obviously his decisoin to have someone film the D-Coordinator. Memos were sent out to every team saying this type of conduct would not be tolerated but yet they do it anyway. Its not that hard to comprehend that you are not allowed to film the oppositions coaching signals. I wonder how long the Patriots have been doing this. The punishment should be severe in my opinion. The players get harsh punishment for cheating and this is no different. Heck, the league even suspended a coach from Dallas for 5 games after testing positive for HGH. Maybe some time off the sidelines for Belichick, loss of draft picks, and lower the teams salary cap for a season or two would be just.
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NFL Says Patriots violated league rules. - by GRIZZ - 09-12-2007, 06:55 PM

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