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Did a asteroid really kill the dinosaurs??
No they just don't want to mess with the person who took down all them crazy creatures lol.
Ok I lied again (I'm gettin good at this lol)

It is interesting though..

Posted Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:46 am:

Something I've always wondered about is, the first time God destroyed the world (this is for the Bible believers) he flooded it. Now Noah took two of each animal, and back then people lived for a pretty long time. So you would imagine that the animals did also. Now we know people rarely live to see one hundred, much less 200 and up. So if ya think about it, animals probably have shorter life spans also. Reptiles grow continuously from what I've heard. So you take an alligator that is 2 or 3 hundred years old, that is constantly growing, that would be a pretty big gator. Now what if, when noah took up some animals, he took the smaller ones. Knowing what we know now about shorter life spans, for both animals and humans, who's to say that all of them are extinct, instead of living today, just as smaller creatures. Maybe this doesn't make since, but it could be something to think about.

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