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NCAA 08 is great on ps2! Kentucky is solid and fun to play with.. 650 people online..
calQlate Wrote:There is actually defense in this game. The db's play aggressive, especially against deep balls. Just got through playing oregon vs kentucky online... Cats took down the ducks 24-21..

Kentucky's offense is very good. Defense is solid up front .. Secondary still a little weak, but not as bad as last year. I play as the FS anyway to help cover the middle of the field and long balls.

That BS dropping back and throwing is done. QB must have feet set to throw accurate pass. Awesome!!..

Anyone else got it yet? Batpuff? anyone? If so are you online?

DUDE! Do you know if NCAA is coming to the Wii? If it is then I will be getting it. My roommate always gets these games for his PS2 so I won't buy it if it does not come out for the Wii. lol
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NCAA 08 is great on ps2! Kentucky is solid and fun to play with.. 650 people online.. - by Scotty doesn't know - 07-18-2007, 02:59 AM

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