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Most Underrated/Unappreciated player all time at your School/Alma Mata??
state 1 Wrote:Craig Ratliff of Paintsville.

Of the state champion Paintsville team, all the hoopla seems to go to JR Vanhoose. JR was undoubted a great player, but Craig was also very successful. It seems that when anything is discussed about that winning team, no-one is mentioned but JR. Craig was very instrumental in their State Championship win, and went on play PROFESSIONAL baseball with the Orioles, a feat that very very few have accomplished from eastern KY.

He doesn't seem to be given opportunities to coach in either baseball or basketball as some of the other past players have. I have seen him coach and I think he does a great job, I would love to have my kids play for him.

He very rarely gets recoginition for his accomplishments from the Paintsville people.
He hasn't been given a chance to coach because he is only certified to teach K-4. I don't know why he got a degree to teach at those levels...very strange for someone 6'8 to teach that age of children. It is very difficult for a man to get a job in that age group!
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Most Underrated/Unappreciated player all time at your School/Alma Mata?? - by bball fan - 05-31-2007, 12:40 AM

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