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Trouble in Powell Co.?
Cretia Mainous is the coach for the upcoming cheer season (07-08). As far as any of the girls know on the team this upcoming year will be Cretia and Dee's last year coaching. Some of the girls from last year did not try out. There are several reasons to this. Don't get me wrong I do like the previous cheerleaders but many of the new girls replace the old girls that left or didn't try out again. Everyone has been saying that the cheerleading team is going to be bad this year, well just to let you know you don't need to judge before you haven't seen anything. There are also new rules like with gymnastics. The girls are required to go to gymnastics at least twice a month with a signed form by the instructor that teaches them. Cretia will do spot checks. So with this the squad will have more tumbling by the time competition comes.At try outs only 15 girls made it with one alternative. But there are also like 5-7 softball girls that get to try out throught video and since most of them were on the squad last year they will make it more than likely. So that will put the team to 20-23 girls, close to the same as last year. When things change don't be so quick to doubt. Give the girls a chance you may be suprised at how well they come out. And if you are talking about Miss T. I think she is starting a dance team with Mrs. Osborne. I think once Cretia leaves she wants to take over the cheer team, but so does the middle school cheer coach. Can't wait to see who gets it after Cretia and Dee leave.
Messages In This Thread
Trouble in Powell Co.? - by baseballking - 05-04-2007, 09:26 AM
Trouble in Powell Co.? - by stroked - 05-08-2007, 09:22 AM
Trouble in Powell Co.? - by loves2cheer - 05-22-2007, 03:29 PM
Trouble in Powell Co.? - by #1 Cheerleader - 05-29-2007, 11:05 PM

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