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No its a great way of looking at it.
I was happy while married and love is blind so I never saw all the bad effect the Free heart tramp I was married to was having on me.
Actually it's a blinding thing and when she ran off with well whomever or what ever it hurt and then everyone began to say hey Doc is back to being Doc.
So now I take life one day at a time and man there is so much out here in this old world, that you just havesample what it has to offer.
I have been around the world visit several countries and I know that if i were still with BNK that I would have never experienced any of them.
So make the most of what is out there. And if you have someone make the most of that as well because time is fleeting and madness sometimes takes control.
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Girlfriends/Boyfriends/Husband/Wife????? - by Doc Holliday - 03-11-2005, 12:09 AM

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