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LCC Clearing Gym Between Games at 14th Reg.?
Didn't mean to be negative KyGurl. It is just that everyone jumps to the wrong conclusion about ALL the mountain schools. Like the wanting to make money. If I can remember correctly--Isn't the money at the gate divided among the participating schools with regards to how many games they play.I believe that you get a share for each game you play--an extra share going to the overall winner to defray their state tournament costs and one share being divided among the region's schools that did not make the tourn. This time of year should be about kids from 8 teams having the time of their life---not about people not even playing being a little inconvienced ( If that happens)
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LCC Clearing Gym Between Games at 14th Reg.? - by Windsprint - 03-07-2007, 01:53 PM

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