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03-05-2007, 07:55 PM
UKGIRL20 Wrote:I am going to laugh my butt off when Grassy Knoll is right and makes u look stupid Alfus. I dont think he would make up any of what he is saying. He has been right about everything else. I hope Patterson and Lucas does go somewhere else, UK doesnt deserve them with the way they have played this season and seasons before.
Name what he has been right about so far, and I'll laugh along with you. Another true "fan" cheering against UK. A true embarrassment to the program and the state in general.
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:Thanx for the support UKGIRL20..... So far, my 'sources' have been frightenly accurate. I just hope they don't let me down on the Patterson and Lucas recruiting buzz. It's almost impossible to be 100% accurate when dealing with sports chat sites and stud HS jocks. You have to weight the bogus stories againt what you think are the legit ones. I still stick to my 'Patterson to UF' prediction. Lucas to Maryland is about 70/30.
BTW 68....I NEVER reveal my 'sources'. Top secret stuff.
What have your sources been accurate on? You've not given out any information except things from KSR and TCP that are posted by hundreds of others. Those are not "secret sources" as you like to say. Name on thing you've been ahead of the curve on that hasn't been posted on any message board before you said it. You can't. It'd be one thing if they were original ideas but they're not.
I'm not saying Patterson won't go to Florida because it looks like a real possibility but any Joe Schmoe could get on here and say that. It doesn't mean you have insider info because you read it somewhere else and posted it here.

Messages In This Thread
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by BelfryPride - 03-04-2007, 09:11 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-04-2007, 09:27 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by -STAT- - 03-04-2007, 09:43 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Grassy Knoll Sniper - 03-04-2007, 09:47 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Cards09 - 03-04-2007, 10:01 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-04-2007, 11:22 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by BelfryPride - 03-04-2007, 11:42 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-04-2007, 11:43 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Old school Dawg - 03-04-2007, 11:48 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-04-2007, 11:49 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Old school Dawg - 03-04-2007, 11:52 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-05-2007, 12:10 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Batpuff - 03-05-2007, 12:27 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Arbys Man - 03-05-2007, 12:38 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Grassy Knoll Sniper - 03-05-2007, 01:11 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-05-2007, 02:31 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Arbys Man - 03-05-2007, 03:22 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Woo Wee - 03-05-2007, 03:28 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Grassy Knoll Sniper - 03-05-2007, 01:13 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Moe - 03-05-2007, 02:39 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Grassy Knoll Sniper - 03-05-2007, 05:39 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Tomcat68 - 03-05-2007, 05:40 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-05-2007, 05:46 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by UKGIRL20 - 03-05-2007, 06:15 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Grassy Knoll Sniper - 03-05-2007, 07:24 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-05-2007, 07:55 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Old school Dawg - 03-05-2007, 09:25 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Old school Dawg - 03-05-2007, 09:26 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by SportsFan80 - 03-05-2007, 10:10 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-05-2007, 10:17 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Grassy Knoll Sniper - 03-05-2007, 10:31 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Grassy Knoll Sniper - 03-05-2007, 10:34 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by SportsFan80 - 03-05-2007, 10:36 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-05-2007, 10:41 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Grassy Knoll Sniper - 03-05-2007, 10:42 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Grassy Knoll Sniper - 03-05-2007, 10:43 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Grassy Knoll Sniper - 03-05-2007, 10:49 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-05-2007, 10:49 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Grassy Knoll Sniper - 03-05-2007, 10:53 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-05-2007, 10:55 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Grassy Knoll Sniper - 03-06-2007, 01:12 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-06-2007, 01:36 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Grassy Knoll Sniper - 03-06-2007, 01:46 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-06-2007, 02:04 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Grassy Knoll Sniper - 03-06-2007, 02:07 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-06-2007, 02:08 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Grassy Knoll Sniper - 03-06-2007, 02:16 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-06-2007, 02:25 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Super_de - 03-06-2007, 03:43 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by corndog23 - 03-06-2007, 04:36 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Playboy5 - 03-06-2007, 08:40 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Midee1 - 03-06-2007, 08:50 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-06-2007, 05:57 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Batpuff - 03-06-2007, 06:10 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by alfus21 - 03-07-2007, 05:42 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Batpuff - 03-07-2007, 05:49 AM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by moofer - 03-11-2007, 01:47 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by The Fan - 03-11-2007, 01:56 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by Panther Thunder - 03-11-2007, 03:06 PM
Patterson chomps UK !!! - by moofer - 03-11-2007, 03:08 PM
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