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Have coaches gotten too soft??
meganwillis10 Wrote:stupid thread because more goes on then you can see from the stands and If you do not coach then do not act like you would do something different until in their situatrion

I agree with you, but at the same time, there are many coaches who do not discipline. There are also some who take it to an extreme, and both are not good. It has a lot to do with the school as well and the administration. If the school doesn't really put forth a great effort and interest in athletics, then they don't prioritize who they choose as their coaches. Therefore they just fill a position with anyone they can. I would bet too that these certain schools not only have a discipline problem on their basketball team, but probably have quite a few within the school. When the school system becomes more about making money than changing lives, then good things will be sacrificed such as discipline. I have seen many coaches who do not discipline nor seem to know a great deal about what they're coaching. Then there are some who know how to play their game, but cannot relate it to their players. Needless to say, if I could coach, my players would not even have a discussion with the officials. That would be my job. If they did have negative comments or a technical, then they would most definitely have my wrath. I would do it with respect in a way that they would know I want what is best for them, not to completely humiliate them. I think a coach should have a relationship with his players -- almost like a father and son relationship. A coach should want to build character into his players' lives, and in that he will be a successful coach, and also he will build a winning program year after year.
Messages In This Thread
Have coaches gotten too soft?? - by jOHn:316 - 02-19-2007, 03:56 PM
Have coaches gotten too soft?? - by Super_de - 02-19-2007, 03:58 PM
Have coaches gotten too soft?? - by -STAT- - 02-19-2007, 04:22 PM
Have coaches gotten too soft?? - by meganwillis10 - 02-19-2007, 05:12 PM
Have coaches gotten too soft?? - by Pacman - 02-19-2007, 07:28 PM
Have coaches gotten too soft?? - by -STAT- - 02-19-2007, 07:49 PM

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