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Shocking UK Statistic For Last 3 Games Played
TidesHoss32 Wrote:your right alfus....theyre gonna win the national championship...Tubby, his horrible coaching and this softass bunch of delicate flowers some people call a team has been snowballing us all year. Im not complaining, and Im not whining, Im being realistic. They are at best the 5th best team in the conference. And thats stretching it. In no way shape or form are they even close to a top 25 team, and they arent going to come together. They are playing the season out, no enthusiasm, heart, desire, anything. They cant wait to get this year over with. And it shows.

C'mon man. I never said they were going to win the Championship nor did I personally attack the players. So try not to get so personally defensive about it.

If you're not complaining and not whining I don't know what you're doing, but by being realistic you would be saying things other than "UK will get kicked out of the conference first" That's 100% asinine and if you had any other point of view or if I was saying anything similar it would be considered whining and complaining.

Honestly though man, I don't know how I'm supposed to respond or not consider that whining when you speak such fatuous statements.

I honestly would like to know how you know these players are ready to get the season over with, when I personally know otherwise. As I said before, they are just as upset as the fans and they do want to win. They feel the pressure everyday and want to win for themselves and the state.
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Shocking UK Statistic For Last 3 Games Played - by alfus21 - 02-18-2007, 01:32 AM

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