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Controversial Basketball Game Is Now Over Allen Central 95 - David School 41
I figured ol' Pillersdorf would not show up for this game. Just the kind of cowardice one would expect. I bet if Johnny Martin was in this situation, he'd show up for his boys. Any good coach would be there for his team, no matter what the view on your head is. You know when you actually believe in something that is right and really want to stand up for it, then you are willing to fight against it in all circumstances no matter what. But when you are fighting a battle you don't really care about, except for the fame and money it brings to you then you can coward out of it very easily because it means nothing. I would have liked to see David when this game while he wasn't there.. haha.. that would have been great for those boys.

Nonetheless, congrats AC. Keep up the good work! I'm glad this saga is all over for you guys. Go win district!
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Controversial Basketball Game Is Now Over Allen Central 95 - David School 41 - by Pacman - 02-09-2007, 01:57 AM

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