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Paintsville vs. Pikeville [All "A" Region]
The Governor Wrote:Haha, I don't get angry, I am in politics -- no one agrees in politics.

Nonetheless, I agree with what you would like to see from a fans point of view. Rick Pitino is probably the best at sideline antics, and frankly, I love watching him coach the game.

The Tigers may have a unique and perhaps outdated, depending on your views, way of coaching. Coach Runyon does the most "butt-chewing" and one of the maAs for calling set plays...I'll have to disagree with you. Especially with this team. The last thing I would want to do as a coach is tie Lando down to having to go from "point A to point B". When you have such talent, I would hope a coach would let them use it.ny other coaches do the "build him back up" process.

I do agree that occassionally they get lazy -- don't cut, set screens, etc. -- but you are right again, there is certainly more to the offense then what you are seeing.

You have a great day. We hope you have an interest in Tiger basketball for years to come.
Thanks for proving my point. From point A to point B. Landon Slone is way to ygood to be standing at the 3point line waiting on a pass. If you have the best player in the region why would u want him standing at the 3point line waiting on a pass. So creative off the dribble. U say u dont want to tie him down by having set plays DUH what is standing at the 3point line called. I have yet to see a college coach tieing his best player down by having him stand at the 3point line. Oh wait i am sorry were talking about a "legend" coach here, my bad i am so sorry. He knows whats best i guess, and as far as me having interest in Paintsville hoops for yrs to come.... :lmao: never gonna happen after the last game of next yr.
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Paintsville vs. Pikeville [All "A" Region] - by BLUEGRASS-RULES - 01-25-2007, 06:29 PM

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