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TheProfessor Wrote:What do you mean bad officiating? I mean you had the Sheldon Clark baseball coach and to experienced high school officials with Ratliff from Lawerence Co. and Helton from Magoffin Co. Even the losing teams fans thought the game was called about as straight up as you could ask for. Oh, maybe thats it I suppose Cardinal fans wanted a little extra help in case the Eagle brought there A-game. It was a well played battle on the field and the officials did what they are paid to do, call it the way they saw it. Good job young Cards. You got the job done. Major swing in momentum scoring with just seconds to go in the 1st half on a blown defensive assignment.

It was the worst officiated game at a home field. Mike Hall may be Sheldon Clarks baseball coach, but he is also the brother to JC baseball coach. He had no reasons for MC to win. And of course the losing team fans agree with the calls, cause they were all for them. Another thing the Cardinal fans wouldnt ask for any extra help, they didnt need it, we knew that this was going to be a tough game, but we were going to take the win or the loss. It was a well fault battle by both teams, and I commend JC for bringing their A game. #36 on JC team is a very good offensive player, cards had to work hard to shut him down, and didnt succeed at it too many times. I am very proud of both teams, they done an exceptional job. Way to go Cards!
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MARTIN COUNTY VS. JC 8th grade SEMI?? PREDICTIONSSS - by proudmomma - 10-18-2006, 09:23 AM

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