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Please Read: I would like to thank you all
This is my 1,000th post. I would like to thank you all for supporting me through my trials and tribulations, through my ups and downs, and through the birth of my three children. Much has happened since I started posting, I graduated MIT, worked for the CIA, leaked info and spent a little vacation a the luxurious Guatonamo Bay. And now my destiny has swept me to my current location and childhood dream, a moderator for the best sports site in the Southeastern Region, Blueegrass Rivals. I would like to thank both sets of grandparents for the conception of my own parents, who then in gratitude gave them the most wonderful, beautiful grandchild anyone could ask for. Also, I would like to thank the owner of Taco Bell for now accepting credit cards, I missed you for a while when I quit carrying cash. Lastly, I would like to thank the big guy above me. Thank you for ceasing to play NerfHoop at three in the morning and not letting you dog piss through the cracks of your porch onto mine.

I am truely grateful,

4Leaf :wink:
Messages In This Thread
Please Read: I would like to thank you all - by 4leaf - 02-25-2005, 01:10 AM
Please Read: I would like to thank you all - by BallaBaby - 02-27-2005, 05:43 PM

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