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Nostalgic Foods from Your Youth... Share Your favorites !!!
My hangout as a kid... I was there most every day., either playing the pinball machine, eating a sackful of those little burgers, or usually... BOTH.   Think of the best White Castle you ever put in your mouth, multiply the flavor 100 times, and you have what a Kyrstal Kitchen burger tasted like. Best sliders EVER!!!  The 5 cent price was from the 50's and 60's but the signage never changed, even when the prices did. I think the little burgers were 10 or 15 cents when I was a young kid. You'd walk in that place and Mr. Craig would have two or three dozen of those burgers on a grill at any given time.  Also, the vesy best soft serve ice cream you ever put inside your mouth... My sis and I would play pinball there for literally hours at a time.  It was located on Main St., directly across from where Hardees now sits.

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RE: Nostalgic Foods from Your Youth... Share Your favorites !!! - by Old School Hound - 03-19-2025, 12:15 PM

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