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Yesterday, 01:40 PM
Has anyoe else followed this case over the years? The tiny beauty queen was found dead in her home on Christmas morning in 1996. She was just 6 years. Autopsy revealed she had been strangled and bludgeoned to death, as well as sexually violated. It was determined that she had been strangled by a makeshift garrote, made from a string wrapped around a piece of one of her mother's paintbrushes. This beautiful little child also suffered a 8 inch skull fracture, shocks from a stun gun, and sexual abuse from a broken piece of the paintbrush used to make the garrote.
The most bizarre thing to me has always been the rambling two and a half page "ransom note" that was left. The note , and a practice draft, was written with pen and pad found in the Ramsey's house. Police believed the note was staged, because only Patsy's and authorities prints were on it and the excessive use of exclamations and intials in the note. According to a CBI report, there were "indications that the author of the ransom note is Patsy Ramsey." However, the evidence fell short of a definitive conclusion. A board cerified forensic pathologist, who consulted with both police and the Ramsey's, said he had never seen a note like it in his 60- year experience and that he did not think it was written by an outside stranger.
What are your thoughts about the sad , and very mysterious death of this young child?
Do you think it was a family member or do you believe the intruder theory?
What are your thoughts on the bizarre ransom note, which asked for $118,000, the exact amount of Mr. Ramsey's bonus?
Do you think this murder will ever be solved?
I have read and watched most everything that has been written or produced about this case. I've gone back and forth about my conclusions. I'm curious as to what you think about this bizarre, unsolved, and very sad, mystery.
Jon Benet's Last Photo
Jon Benet, posing for a picture, just a few hours before being murdered :
The most bizarre thing to me has always been the rambling two and a half page "ransom note" that was left. The note , and a practice draft, was written with pen and pad found in the Ramsey's house. Police believed the note was staged, because only Patsy's and authorities prints were on it and the excessive use of exclamations and intials in the note. According to a CBI report, there were "indications that the author of the ransom note is Patsy Ramsey." However, the evidence fell short of a definitive conclusion. A board cerified forensic pathologist, who consulted with both police and the Ramsey's, said he had never seen a note like it in his 60- year experience and that he did not think it was written by an outside stranger.
What are your thoughts about the sad , and very mysterious death of this young child?
Do you think it was a family member or do you believe the intruder theory?
What are your thoughts on the bizarre ransom note, which asked for $118,000, the exact amount of Mr. Ramsey's bonus?
Do you think this murder will ever be solved?
I have read and watched most everything that has been written or produced about this case. I've gone back and forth about my conclusions. I'm curious as to what you think about this bizarre, unsolved, and very sad, mystery.
Jon Benet's Last Photo
Jon Benet, posing for a picture, just a few hours before being murdered :
Messages In This Thread
Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by Old School Hound - Yesterday, 01:40 PM
RE: Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by Granny Bear - Yesterday, 01:55 PM
RE: Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by Old School Hound - Yesterday, 04:53 PM
RE: Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by King Kong - Yesterday, 06:00 PM
RE: Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by Granny Bear - Yesterday, 08:02 PM
RE: Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by Old School Hound - Yesterday, 10:02 PM
RE: Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by King Kong - Yesterday, 09:15 PM
RE: Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by Granny Bear - Yesterday, 09:41 PM
RE: Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by Granny Bear - Yesterday, 10:38 PM
RE: Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by Old School Hound - Today, 01:43 AM
RE: Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by King Kong - 4 hours ago
RE: Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by King Kong - Yesterday, 11:08 PM
RE: Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by Old School Hound - Today, 02:54 AM
RE: Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by Granny Bear - Today, 07:49 AM
RE: Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by Old School Hound - 6 hours ago
RE: Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by plantmanky - 2 hours ago
RE: Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ? - by Old School Hound - 57 minutes ago
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