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EELECTION NIGHT 2024 THREAD...Comment on Election Returns Here!!!
We have one "economists say" which is weaker than saying nothing and still nobody taking 5 minutes to compare our tariff rates to our trading partners' rates. Totally predictable and fun to watch libtards blow a fuse when they are asked for facts. Still hasn't dawned on them that the tariffs charged to us by other countries are inflationary and need to be re-negotiated. But they don't hear that from Joe and Maddow so their minds can't process it. Anyway tariffs are way down the list of important things on the line in this election as Democrats continue to turn everything they touch to sh!t.

Libtards should stick to Russia Russia Russia racist racist racist rapist rapist rapist muh democracy, when they try to talk about anything other than fake hoaxes they are out of their lane. You always know what they are going to say; it's whatever they're told to say.
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RE: EELECTION NIGHT 2024 THREAD...Comment on Election Returns Here!!! - by jetpilot - 11-04-2024, 01:05 PM

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