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Fairview vs Paren city wv
Isn’t that school like 5 hours away? How the hell did that game get scheduled in the first place? Garbage if you ask me. There should be some sort of penalty for a team to do that crap. There’s kids that lost out on 4 quarters of football tonight. I understand sometimes playoff games are lopsided, but for a team to cancel on a contractual commitment is bush league.
Messages In This Thread
Fairview vs Paren city wv - by scrappy coco - 11-02-2024, 12:44 AM
RE: Fairview vs Paren city wv - by ArmChairHC - 11-02-2024, 12:51 AM
RE: Fairview vs Paren city wv - by RAM-A-DEVIL - 11-02-2024, 11:08 AM

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