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Kentucky vs. Kentucky Wesleyan 10/23.
Before the game I was curious to see the style of play. Was expecting to see some rust but really wasn't the case. The ball movement was unreal and the defensive pressure was fun to watch. Of course the talk of how this team can shoot the 3 was no lie. Of course it is an exhibition game but I really like what I see (as Noah just hit his 3rd 3 of the night). Anxious to see what this team does as the season progresses (as Perry scores).
Messages In This Thread
Kentucky vs. Kentucky Wesleyan 10/23. - by -STAT- - 10-23-2024, 03:40 PM
RE: Kentucky vs. Kentucky Wesleyan 10/23. - by Bluecat - 10-23-2024, 09:31 PM

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