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Games Rescheduled: Week of September 27th
If the forecast holds true and it does what they're saying, liable to get pretty rough in these parts in regards to flooding. Everyone's awareness is much more heightened now since the floods from 2 years ago. It's a tough situation for schools to be in, don't cancel them and take the risk of people not being able to get back home or even to the game due to flooding issues, cancel it and everyone loses their mind, Pburg-BL for example, big time game w/ big time implications.

LIke it's already been said, weather is definitely hit & miss, sometimes they get it right and sometimes they get it wrong, I'm all for rain & wind true football weather, just have to be aware for the potential for flooding, that's always been one of my biggest worries, being in Floyd Co and going through several in my life.
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RE: Games Rescheduled: Week of September 27th - by -STAT- - 09-26-2024, 09:10 AM

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