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Old School Meets the Communists in Corbin ... A Fight Nearly Ensues!!!!
(09-07-2024, 03:41 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(09-07-2024, 04:58 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: Last Friday afternoon, a Communist Party(Progressive Labor Party) held a protest in downtown Corbin. They were protesting the Freeman Brothers, a couple of local wealthy lawyers who buy up most of Corbin's real estate and then rent the units for exorbitant prices. The Communist group was tipped off about the Freemans by one of its local supporters. The PLP,  an international Communist group, was also protesting a KY House Bill  that criminalizes homelessness and even allows a shop owner to use whatever they deem "reasonable force," including shooting a homeless person , for shoplifting a candy bar. It is a particularly cruel and archaic bill of rehashed ideas that have been shown to be ineffective elsewhere. 

As I mentioned, the Progressive Labor Party, is an international group, completely separate from the Communist Party USA(CPUSA). There were about a dozen or so Communists that showed up to protest in my quaint little village.  Of course, I just had to stick my nose in it and do some interviews so that you, my loyal readers,  could get the lowdown on just what all the Communists came to Corbin to b*tch about. I wanted to ask them a few  tough questions and I also wanted to see if I could gain some ideas from them on what I could do to help the homeless problem in the Tri-County area.

First off, if you are expecting me to tell you about a bunch of old, Marx-look-a like Bolsheviks with weird-looking beards and carrying sickles, you'd be way off in your expectations. What I encountered was about ten or twelve kids with ages ranging from maybe 20 to 26. Most of them were college kids from Eastern Kentucky University. There was one older lady around my age. Her daughter was also part of the Communist contingent.  The one that I spoke with most was an EKU student from Pineville. I will talk more about him later. I will call him Comrade Paul.  He told me he was Bell County native and that the former EKU great QB, Tuck Woolum,  was his gym teacher in high school. So Comrade Paul and I both had a common acquaintance in Tuck. Paul was very well spoken, extremely intelligent, and obviously very passionate about his Communist views. He is a philosophy major.

My goal in being there, besides having a rather nosey, curious nature, was to find out just what these people stood for, what their hopes were for the future, and just how far were they willing to go in order to see that their hopes and dreams come to fruition. Paul described himself to me as a Communist anarchist. He does not believe that the changes he sees as necessary can be achieved under the present system of government. Both major parties, he feels, are beholding to the nation's big corporations that holds all the wealth and power. Therefore, he advocates for a revolution to abolish all institutions of authority that maintain unnecessary coercion and  hierarchy on the working class. Paul, and the other young Communists, are violently anti-capitalists. Property equals tyranny to Paul and his fellow comrades. 

By the time I arrived, they had already set up their table, a modest display of Communist propaganda(pamphlets) and free food. I told them who I was, and that I was a long-time educator who attended the same university they many of them did.  I also told them a little about my politics, and that I was very liberal, particularly socially. I also told them that I was a long time member of the Democrat Party. They were wholly unimpressed by that. These Communists see both Democrats and Republicans as equal culprits in contributing to the world's ills. In their view,  Democrats and Republicans are both villains, assisting big corporations in their efforts to marginalize and dominate poor and working class people. 

I will say, this. While they preached against both political parties, it seemed to me that more of their animus on this day was directed towards my party. Comrade Paul actually brought up the names of Gov. Steve Brashear and Kamala Harris, in discussing his seething anger and bitter disgust at political figures who carry out the evil work , and lobby on behalf of giant corporations.  Now, here's where things got interesting. 

 I agreed with Paul that both major parties are beholding to big special interests. However, I told him that I felt like the Republicans were far, FAR worse, as evidenced by the GOP-authored, evil House Bill(HB5).  Paul said the Democrats were just as bad. I said they weren't. I said he talked like Joe(Stalin). He said I talked like Joe(Biden).  I called him "Red." He called me "Yellow."  Just when I thought he was about ready to punch me in my Progressive Piehole, a red truck passed by with a Trump sign in the bed that said something like "Trump 2024 - Do You Miss Me Yet? "  A couple of drive-by rednecks inside the truck  yelled at us, "Commies!" Several members of their group yelled back something to the effect of, "Yeah, and we're proud to be Commies!" I was thinking if the MAGA rednecks came over and confronted us, there might be some serious trouble. Knowing how MAGA cult members act, I feared they might actually try to run us over with their truck.  Fortunately, we never saw them again.

When the two MAGA drive-bys yelled. "Commies!" in our direction, it must have sparked some kind of freaky kinship between Comrade Paul and I because we put our differences aside, hugged, and engaged in friendly conversation from that point on. It was about 3:30 PM at that point. Paul told his comrades that they would wait until 4PM to start their march, just in the event any others showed up. They invited me to join them but I say I would not be marching. Sadly, I would likely have lost my job and my respected standing in the community if I had been spotted marching downtown with a dozen Communist kids. So, when 4 PM rolled around and they grabbed their megaphones and started their march, I stayed behind and enjoyed some free food. I had some Communist hot dogs, some Communist steak(medium well), some Communist Doritos, and a couple bottles of Communist water.

When the group got back from marching, I stayed around for a few more minutes shooting the breeze with my newfound Communists friends. While they were very unimpressed by my allegiance to the Democratic Party, they were much more in agreement with my anti-religious stance. The Communist group were very pro-atheist. Like Marx, they see religion is just another tool used by the powerful to control the weak and vulnerable. Old School agrees with them in this regard.  They truly align themselves with Marx' view that religion is the "opium of the masses." 

At the close of the protest, Comrade Paul real a two page speech he had written. It was a very eloquent and well delivered speech, with good content. One could tell by his delivery that Paul was very passionate in what he believed. One thing that stood out to me in Paul's speech was this statistic: In Kentucky there are  94  vacant housing units for every  1  homeless person.  A 94:1 ratio !!! That was an eye-opening and stunning revelation that made me want to find something I could do to help the homeless where I live. After Paul's speech a couple of the young Communists, a young man and woman, who I gathered were boyfriend and girlfriend, walked over to the Colonel Sanders statue adjacent to their meeting place. They put a Communist scarf around the Colonel's neck and took a picture. I thought that was hilariously funny. I offered to give them $50 if they would leave the Communist scarf around the old pedophile's neck but they declined. Btw, they were already well aware of Corbin's most celebrated citizen, Colonel Sanders,  being a child predator, even before I told them.

One other thing, three or four of the guys were wearing a Communist shirt, black with a big red circle on the front, that said , " NO WAR BUT CLASS WAR."  Most of the females were wearing a shirt that read, "Madison County Tenant Union."  That's the name of the tenant union they belong to in Madison County. It serves the Richmond-Berea area. They meet once a month and their mission is to advocate on behalf of  tenants who are having issues with their landlords. They advocate for actions such as "rent strikes," against landlords who own large apartment complexes and are taking advantage of tenants or failing to meet their obligations of properly maintaining the units.  One of the females wearing the Madison County Tenant Union shirt was a pretty little red head who wasn't wearing much else. She was the one who put the scarf around the Colonel.  She had shredded the arms of the shirt and her shorts, which matched the shirt quite nicely were short...very, VERY short! So short, in fact that she nearly revealed more to Old School than just her Communist Manifesto, if you know what I mean. Oh well, I'm old. A little thrill every now again never hurts. lol

As I got ready to leave, I thanked them for coming to town and that I appreciated their passion to help the homeless. I told them that I would try to come to one of the meetings of their tenant union to see if I could get some ideas on how to form something similar in this area. Overall, despite the near fisticuffs and being called a "Commie," I'm glad I went to check out this protest. I learned some things, met some very intelligent, engaging, critically thinking young people who truly want to make the world a better place for everyone. When I asked Comrade Paul what his ideal world would look like, he replied that that he wanted a world where everyone had what they needed- plenty of food to eat, clothes ,  shelter from the elements, free healthcare and education. I mean, who could think badly of anyone who wanted everyone to be fed, clothed, sheltered, educated, and have access to healthcare? 

Now, I'll take any questions you might have about my day in Corbin with the Communists.  Smile    Questions, comments, suggestions ???
"beholden" since you danced around it on the other thread.

Silly grammar cop stuff.  You don't think I know that? When you type 1,700 words in about twenty minutes and have 5 minutes to edit any mistakes, it's easy to miss something. I usually find several mistakes in a long post and then try to do a quick edit. Don't always get them all. But, of course, you know that. Smile I'm no Hemingway but I think I do okay for a scientific guy.

(09-07-2024, 01:00 PM)jetpilot Wrote: P.S. Your music posts are still spot on and sports posts too when you aren't complaining.

I appreciate that.

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