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Communist Party to Hold Rally in Downtown Corbin on August 30
Trumps a dumbass. I don’t dislike him because he is a republican. I dislike him because he is a dumbass. I never ever in my lifetime ever paid any attention whatsoever to politics. Never talked about it or even cared until Orange Jesus got elected. George W was the 2nd worst president in history but I would take him back in a heartbeat. We have lost our way somewhere along the line in this country. We don’t talk to each other anymore. There is no more live and let live. Every bodies attitude is it’s my way or the highway. We have the nutty left and the nutty right and the rest of us are stuck in the middle suffering because of the crazies. I’ve always tried to live my life and mind my own business. My philosophy is don’t bother me and I won’t bother you. I don’t care what other people do. If you want to be a Druid and pray to trees go ahead. Or if you are a Druid reformed you can pray at bushes. If you are gay I don’t care just don’t do it in my living room. Live and let live and in the end of there is a god and he wants to judge these people so be it. It isn’t the rest of our jobs to judge anything or anybody. I became very concerned for my country when Trump got elected. Had nothing to do with his policies. He is a person with no morals and very low character. He’s been a crook all his life. He did an interview back in the early 90’s he said he was a democrat and said if he ever ran for president he would run as a republican because they are the dumbest voting block in America. He was correct in that assumption. Before I get jumped on…..I’m not a democrat. I feel like if he gets elected again it will be our last election. He is dangerous and only cares about himself and he proves it every day with the things that he says. I served in the military for 8 years in a combat unit. Went to desert storm and Somalia and various other places in the world. Loved every minute of it and probably would have stayed and retired if it wasn’t for having a family. I was in for 8 and was deployed for 6 of it. Not a life for raising a family. I loved serving my country and would do it again. But not under Trump. I have no respect for that guy. Especially after everything he has said about veterans. The way he has treated our federal workers. I work at the VA in prosthetics where they make the legs and arms for these guys returning from war. Under Trump our pay was frozen the entire time he was in office. We are already paid 28% less than our civilian counter parts. I know this because I have been on both sides of it. We aren’t under the civil service retirement system anymore. That was a really good retirement plan. Our pension is non existent and we have a TSP plan which is a 401k so all you people out there that think federal jobs are great and cushy you would be dead wrong. Anyway I’ve rambled on and on. What I was trying to say is……CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?
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RE: Communist Party to Hold Rally in Downtown Corbin on August 30 - by RAM-A-DEVIL - 09-06-2024, 02:34 PM

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