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Taylor Swift 101: Why the Crazy Right REALLY Hates America's Most Popular Woman
It's very well known that the far right has taken over the GOP and strongly discourages critical thinking. Hence, we see what that party has become--- a lunatic cult that worships a wannabe fascist and propagates weird conspiracy theories about the beautiful and talented most popular woman in the world, billionaire singer/songwriter/philanthropist, Taylor Swift.  The right fears that Taylor will open the eyes and minds of young people all over the country and help defeat their malignant narcissist. The idea that Taylor might educate the nation's young is frightening to the far-right. Taylor is a threat, they feel, to their anti-democracy agenda.  That's right, Taylor Swift is everything the far right isn't. She has a positive message , she embraces critical thinking and democratic ideals. 

And maybe they have reason to be afraid of her. Taylor Swift is now being taught in colleges and universities all over the country. 

From Berkely to Harvard, young people are taking classes  in everything "Taylor Swift."  Here are just a few examples:

HARVARD---   "Taylor Swift and Her World" (4 cr. hours)

NORTHEASTERN --- " Speak Now: Gender and Storytelling in Taylor Swift's Eros"

UNIVERSITY of SOUTH CAROLINA --- "Life is Just a Classroom: Taylor's Version" (3 Cr Hrs)

AUSTIN PEAY ST. UNIVERSITY --- "The Invisible String of Romanticism"(A look at the poetry in songs of Taylor Swift )(3 Cr. Hrs)

UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS at AUSTIN --- "The Taylor Swift Songbook"

ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY --- "The Psychology of Taylor Swift"

There might come a time in the near future where you could earn a Major in "Taylor Swift."   Could there be a TSU (Taylor Swift University in the future?  Swifties might pay up to $13,000 or more a year to attend TSU.

"Take a look at collegiate classes across the United States and you’ll find that Miss Americana, Taylor Swift, was voted most likely to educate you. 
Many colleges – from state universities to the Ivy Leagues – are using the ubiquitous pop star’s appeal and talent to teach their lessons. Thousands of students have maxed out classroom capacity, filling online and physical halls to the brim. As one instructor, Catherine Fairfield, at Northeastern University in Boston put it, “I think students are intellectually thirsty.”
While every course has the same topic, instructors around the country are using Swift to teach subjects including business, economics, hospitality, tourism, public relations, journalism, poetry, literature, English, copyright and trademark law, gender studies and psychology. "

Read more about how Taylor is helping to educate America :

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