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Barbourville @ Knott County Central 11-27-23

Bolz time for Patriot Nation to rise like grammys dumplings and thats wide freaking open!Taylor and the tiger cubs rolling into Mortys for an old fashioned haircutting Yosemite Sam style!Autographs with the Pats be right before tip off and ole FP is pumped like a mutha! Manimal Huff going straight beast mode and Rowdy Reed is a freaking wild man baby on the ole boards! McNasty Haddix going to lead the Pats and be driving the short bus all freaking year baby! Bones Ratliff be shooting somebodys eye out but ole Fatpat worries about the youngin not eating enough bruthas to make it through the season! Playa to bust out this year be the Slim Reaper Amburgey baby cuz boy is a straight up gangsta and be dropping double doubles all year!Double Wowza! Concessions be hit like a the big guys family converging onto the family thanksgiving meal and thats no freaking mercy!  #trimming&haircutspecials  #floorisshined  #concessionsgetsme  More mash taters please!!!
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Barbourville @ Knott County Central 11-27-23 - by fatpatfan - 11-27-2023, 11:25 AM

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