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Belfry Teacher/Football Coach Facing Allegations
(09-14-2023, 11:47 AM)skully03 Wrote: This is bad. But to say it is not redeemable is taking grace completely out of the equation. I hate this situation I really do but I’m trying to pray for everyone involved. Even the coach. Everyone deserves grace but everyone, sadly will not ask for forgiveness and accept the grace that has been freely bought for them on the cross. Does he need punished? Yes!! But if he truly is sorry and repents and asks God into his life he can be forgiven. It’s us, the human race that never forgets or forgives. I don’t wanna debate anyone. I’m just going by the Bible. God bless you all. Pray for Pond Creek!!
I agree but for the men who have daughters at that high school or had daughters go to high school there have to be sick to their stomach wondering what may have happened.
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RE: Belfry Teacher/Football Coach Facing Allegations - by pirateforlife - 09-14-2023, 12:31 PM

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